<div class="form-group dso-select dso-multiple">
    <div class="dso-label-container">
        <label for="input-select-multiple" class="control-label">
            Kies uw beleg
    <div class="dso-field-container">
        <select id="input-select-multiple" class="form-control" multiple>
            <optgroup label="Vlees">
                <option value="worst">Worst</option>
                <option value="salami">Salami</option>
                <option value="geit">Geit</option>
            <optgroup label="Vis">
                <option value="zalm">Zalm</option>
                <option value="makreel">Makreel</option>
        <p class="dso-help-block" id="helpTextId_input-select-multiple">Maak een keuze tussen vlees of vis</p>
<div class="form-group dso-select{{#if multiple }} dso-multiple{{/if}}{{#if state}} dso-{{ state }}{{/if}}{{#if required }} dso-required{{/if}}">
  <div class="dso-label-container">
    <label for="{{ id }}" class="control-label">
      {{ label }}
    {{#if infoText }}
      {{> '@form-field-info-button' }}
  <div class="dso-field-container">
    <select id="{{ id }}" class="form-control"
      {{{ifattr 'disabled' disabled }}}
      {{{ifattr 'multiple' multiple }}}
      {{{ifattr 'required' required }}}>
      {{#each options }}
        <optgroup label="{{ optionType }}"{{{ifattr ' disabled' disabled }}}>
          {{#each items }}
            <option value="{{ value }}"{{{ifattr ' selected' selected }}}>{{ label }}</option>
    {{#if errorText }}
      {{> '@error-block' }}
    {{#if helpText }}
      {{> '@help-block' }}
  {{#if infoOpen }}
    {{> '@form-field-info' }}
id: input-select-multiple
label: Kies uw beleg
  - optionType: Vlees
      - value: worst
        label: Worst
      - value: salami
        label: Salami
      - value: geit
        label: Geit
  - optionType: Vis
      - value: zalm
        label: Zalm
      - value: makreel
        label: Makreel
__title: Multiple
  - >-
    Indien een multiple select gewenst is, dient er een
    <code>.dso-multiple</code> class gezet te worden op de div met de class
multiple: true
helpText: Maak een keuze tussen vlees of vis

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